Services Available to Neighbors 60+ in Our Service Area
Call, email, or make an appointment at our office, a coffee shop, or your home for any of the following. There is no charge for our staff’s time, although donations are always gratefully accepted. We promise to keep your business just that, and maintain confidentiality.
Call, email, or make an appointment at our office, a coffee shop, or your home for any of the following. There is no charge for our staff’s time, although donations are always gratefully accepted. We promise to keep your business just that, and maintain confidentiality.
- Volunteer Coordination: Request a prescreened volunteer for simple home repair, chore help, or friendly visiting—one-time or ongoing, individual or group as we are able.
- Rides: First, call or visit and introduce yourself so we can get to know you and your ride needs. Then call 3 working days’ in advance (with exceptions for sudden needs) to schedule a ride by a volunteer, or staff. Drivers can provide extra TLC in the form of managing walkers, dropping you at the door, etc.
- Resource and Referral: We know some great people and organizations. If our staff or volunteers don’t do a service (such as electrical, Meals on Wheels, providing a wheelchair loan, cleaning or taxes), we very well may know someone in the neighborhood who does, affordably. We maintain our Aging Well Resource List available upon request for just this reason. We have helped people obtain no-cost ramps, home repairs, and work with Trellis to select their Medicare plan, for example.
- Caregiver Support: Caregiving is important, and challenging. Let us help you identify the resources you or your loved one may need, and/or provide some encouragement for you as well. Tasks such as applying for County or VA support can feel overwhelming without some support.
- Office/Clerical Tasks: Not everyone has a “home office.” Let us help you use the internet to apply for programs, shop for something special, fill out paperwork, fax something, or make up to 10 copies at a time. Our staff, and resources, are available to help individuals.
- Shopping Help: Our volunteers can shop for, or with, elders, up to twice a month.
- Navigating Homecare Options: If you or your loved one is homebound and has need for homemaking, home health aides, skilled nursing, or PT, we can help you start the process of pursuing the homecare you need. Did you know that a fall, with or without injuries, may qualify you for a round of Medicare-funded physical therapy in your home to work on strength and balance?
- Try Us! Let us know what has you worrying at 3 a.m. Chances are you’re not the first, or only neighbor to deal with whatever it is. If we can’t help, we’ll work with you to identify who can.
Low-Cost Home Computers & Internet for Seniors
Thinking about taking the computer-at-home plunge? Hamline Midway Elders partners with PCs for People, a nonprofit making home computers more accessible to those at or below 200% of poverty level (around 2147/mo for a single person). Refurbished laptops sell for about $200, PCs start at $75 plus cost of monitor (around $25), monthly internet ($15/month through this program), and cost of an internet router (internet device-around $100). If you qualify, and want help purchasing a low-cost computer through our partnership with PCs for People, contact Monica Gallagher at (651) 209-6542. Unfortunately, we cannot help pay for the computer at this time—but we can help our neighbors 60+ who qualify get a great deal.
Thinking about taking the computer-at-home plunge? Hamline Midway Elders partners with PCs for People, a nonprofit making home computers more accessible to those at or below 200% of poverty level (around 2147/mo for a single person). Refurbished laptops sell for about $200, PCs start at $75 plus cost of monitor (around $25), monthly internet ($15/month through this program), and cost of an internet router (internet device-around $100). If you qualify, and want help purchasing a low-cost computer through our partnership with PCs for People, contact Monica Gallagher at (651) 209-6542. Unfortunately, we cannot help pay for the computer at this time—but we can help our neighbors 60+ who qualify get a great deal.
Helping Seniors With Daily Living By Facilitating:
Screening, Application Assistance & Referrals
We can help you get screening, application assistance, and referrals for:
Local & Federal Assistance Programs
Budget feeling strained? You’re not alone in these inflationary times. You may qualify for help with healthcare, Medicare supplemental premium costs, Energy Assistance, Food Support (SNAP debit card), or free phone technology for low vision/hard-of-hearing. Here are the updated maximum incomes to qualify (for a household of one; 2-person households have slightly higher limits). Some programs also have asset limits. Other programs take out-of-pocket medical expenses into account, so you may want to apply even if you’re not entirely sure you qualify. Seniors in our service area can call or email our office (651-209-6542, [email protected]) to have an application sent to you, or to request application assistance. All require proof of income to qualify. |
Additional Services
Hamline Midway Elders staff provide the following services:
- On-going support and consultation for elders and caregivers.
- Shopping for and delivering specialized medical equipment or adaptive gadgets for the home.
- "Second Tuesday" educational luncheon events.
- Rides to medical appointments and/or help with scheduling.
- Health care advocacy - Staff available to help plan transitions from hospital to care center to home including involvement in care conferences with facility staff and/or family members.
- Low vision assessment and basic vision aids and equipment free of charge
- "Gifts for Seniors" - Holiday gift delivery to elders at home.
Call us at (651) 209-6542, or email us at [email protected] to schedule a free home or office visit.